Choosing the Best Equipment Maintenance Log App

Equipment maintenance log apps make it easy for fleet managers to track and manage repairs. Leveraging a mobile solution that enables collaboration across your team provides a comprehensive view of equipment health.


What Features Do the Best Equipment Maintenance Log Apps Offer?

Equipment maintenance log apps are streamlining the way fleet managers track repairs. Whether you manage heavy-duty machinery or small equipment and tools, leveraging a mobile app is the best way to comprehensively log equipment maintenance and improve team communication.

Instead of manually logging maintenance on paper or spreadsheets and playing phone tag with your team, an equipment maintenance log app automates data collection and maximizes efficiency. Not only can your team upload equipment information from the field via phone or tablet, but managers can access all information via software to stay informed.

While there are a variety of apps to choose from, it’s important to find the best equipment maintenance log app for your fleet’s needs. Here are ten features to look for when choosing the right equipment maintenance log app for your fleet.

1. Mobility

Managing equipment maintenance can be a challenge when your team is dispersed. This can be even more difficult if you're tracking maintenance on paper or in antiquated systems. Fleet managers can’t access data and communicate with team members in real time, causing inefficiencies and headaches across your operation.

Equipment maintenance log apps eliminate communication bottlenecks and provide maximum visibility into equipment health and productivity. Managers have a comprehensive view into asset status, upcoming maintenance tasks, repair progress and related costs no matter where they are.

Team members can upload critical information from anywhere to keep managers informed of equipment health in real time. Instead of waiting to hear about issues at the end of the day, managers can be alerted instantly to jumpstart the repair process. With a mobile-first solution, you can track equipment and collaborate on maintenance tasks to maximize efficiency and avoid downtime.

2. A Synced Web App

Equipment maintenance log apps are excellent for tracking equipment on the go, but you also need a secure, cloud-based software to house your data and manage operations. Because you’re often in your office (or working from your home office), you need an equipment maintenance log app that syncs your web-based software in real time.

With cloud-based equipment management software, you can view updates from the equipment maintenance log app on your computer. View information at a glance with your configurable dashboard, assign work orders from your desktop or dive into granular details in maintenance reports.

3. Unlimited Users

Equipment maintenance is a team effort. Choosing a solution with unlimited users and no additional charges enables everyone on your team to efficiently collaborate and provide updates as needed.

Some equipment maintenance log apps use a per-user pricing model. Depending on your budget, this can limit who has access to the app and reduce efficiency. You may also have users that only require one aspect of your app, yet you have to pay more to provide them with access.

Choosing an equipment maintenance log app with unlimited users in your subscription ensures everyone on your team can communicate effectively. If certain users only need access to a specific area, like inspections, your fleet isn’t charged extra. Managers can simply set job-specific permission levels for each user.

4. Ease-Of-Use

You know your team better than anyone. While some employees may be technologically-savvy, others might not be as familiar with maintenance apps. Finding a solution that your team will feel comfortable using will help guarantee success.

The best equipment maintenance log apps, like Fleetio, are intuitive and have simple mobile interfaces that anyone on your team can quickly pick up. Familiar actions like clicks and swipes make it easy for your entire team to use. To make it easier for users, managers can easily configure each team member’s dashboard to only show relevant information.

5. Real Time Collaboration

Your team is constantly on the move and often dispersed. Being able to stay in constant communication is essential to your success—especially when it comes to equipment maintenance.

Equipment maintenance log apps provide maximum visibility into your assets and real-time communication methods. Users can make comments and notes on issues, work orders and other equipment details to collaborate in real time.

Users can also receive notifications and status updates on equipment maintenance. Keeping everyone in sync with a mobile equipment maintenance log app is the best way to maximize productivity.

6. Maintenance Service Reminders

Just like your vehicles, equipment requires routine service to extend its lifespan. Though equipment maintenance is often neglected, performing routine service helps avoid downtime and ensures you maximize your investments to avoid replacement costs.

Taking a proactive approach to equipment preventive maintenance is easy with the right mobile app. The best equipment maintenance log app allows you to create service schedules for all of your equipment based on usage.

Fleet managers can automate service reminders to ensure all equipment receives routine maintenance on time. Keeping up with seemingly small tasks like equipment maintenance can make a huge difference in your team’s productivity and your bottom line.

7. Electronic Equipment Inspections

Routine equipment inspections can help your team identify issues before they compound and cause downtime. While paper inspections are time-consuming and can’t offer real-time issue reporting, equipment maintenance log apps provide an efficient inspection process.

Users can conduct thorough equipment inspections on a phone or tablet and upload results instantly. When issues are identified, users can add comments or photos to provide clarity in reporting.

Failed inspection items are logged into your software and managers are instantly notified. Not only does this allow you to take quick action in repairing equipment, but it also provides a complete record of equipment issues. This insight allows you to identify recurring issues across equipment to make better maintenance and purchasing decisions in the future.

8. Digital Work Orders

Tracking maintenance in an equipment maintenance log app centralizes tasks and allows you to keep tabs on repair progress and expenses. Creating and assigning digital work orders via software or mobile app provides managers with complete visibility into the repair process.

Managing work orders with software or a mobile app provides a complete, organized audit trail of repairs and improves communication. Managers can monitor service tasks and expenses by line item to gain complete visibility into repairs and stay within their budget.


9. Comprehensive Service History

Keeping track of maintenance data with software provides a comprehensive insight into equipment health. Equipment maintenance log apps not only eliminate time-consuming data entry, but they also provide a complete record of all equipment maintenance data.

Analyzing equipment service history can help you identify recurring issues with certain tools and allow you to spot overarching patterns across equipment. With this knowledge, you can optimize equipment health and uptime by making decisions like modifying preventive maintenance schedules or replacing worn-out equipment.

10. An Equipment Maintenance Log App That Has it All

Why pick and choose features when you can leverage a complete equipment maintenance solution? Fleetio’s equipment maintenance log app allows you to comprehensively track repairs and equipment health.

Leveraging a collaborative equipment maintenance log app, like Fleetio Go, enables communication for unlimited users and provides a real-time view of equipment health, location and status. At no extra charge to your Fleetio subscription, the Fleetio Go app provides crucial insight into your equipment and allows you to take proactive steps to extend its lifespan.

Start your free trial of Fleetio or request a demo today to see how a mobile solution can help you streamline equipment maintenance!

About the Author

Laura Flowers
Content Marketing Specialist

Laura Flowers is the Content Marketing Specialist at Fleetio. When she’s not blogging, you can find her reading on the couch with her cat or in the studio tap dancing.

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