
Fuel Log Spreadsheet

Track fuel usage across your fleet and automatically calculate individual vehicle metrics like cost per mile.

Fuel usage is the greatest expense that most fleets face. And while you can't control the costs of purchasing fuel, you can reduce the impact of fuel costs on your fleet by monitoring for high-consumption vehicles and spotting outliers (and possible fuel theft) within your fleet. Our customizable fuel log spreadsheet provides a simple solution to start logging and tracking fuel usage across your fleet—and can easily be imported into fleet management software when you're ready to automatically import your fuel card data. This spreadsheet allows you to quickly compare the following individual vehicle metrics against your fleet averages:

  • Miles per Gallon (or km/L)
  • Cost per Mile (or Kilometre)
  • Cost per Gallon (or Litre)
Fuel log spreadsheet

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Sick of spreadsheets?

Yes, they help you organize important information, but spreadsheets still require manual input to stay up-to-date. Fleetio allows you to import your existing spreadsheets and automatically import fuel card data to monitor, control and reduce your fuel spend.

Male 1
Mark D.
Mark Dominey Trucking
I find this app saves me about 1.5 hours per day in the evening when I sit down to catch up all my files. If you use it as intended, it will be a huge benefit!
Male 2
Jason C.
Fleetio is user friendly; I'm not the most technologically savvy individual but the training sessions provided were more than enough to help me feel comfortable using the software myself.
Female 1
Chloe G.
Bringing in a tool that brings all the data into one centralized location to make informed decisions and help guide our business was critical.

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