Equipment Preventive Maintenance Program Best Practices

Creating and implementing an equipment preventive maintenance program for your assets reduces downtime and lengthens equipment lifespan.


What are the Benefits of an Equipment Preventive Maintenance Program?

Developing an equipment preventive maintenance program is one of the best ways to regularly monitor equipment conditions and maximize uptime. A proactive approach to equipment maintenance ensures you’re getting the most out of your investments by properly caring for them.

Whether you’re managing heavy-duty construction equipment or smaller equipment and power tools for your landscaping or contracting business, you need a solution to avoid downtime on the jobsite. Adhering to an equipment preventive maintenance program ensures you’re regularly monitoring asset condition and making any necessary repairs.

No matter what type of equipment you’re managing, keeping up with preventive maintenance can be difficult without an effective plan. Messy calendars, whiteboards and software solutions without real-time notifications can cause maintenance tasks to slip through the cracks and result in equipment breakdowns.

Wouldn’t it be easier to keep up with equipment maintenance if you were reminded of tasks automatically?

Equipment preventive maintenance software allows you to create service schedules for all of your equipment and automate service reminders. With mobile-first software, you’re notified of upcoming tasks and can collaborate with your team to efficiently complete preventive maintenance tasks.

Automate Equipment Maintenance Reminders

Tracking equipment usage allows you to know when preventive maintenance tasks are due, but manually tracking manually tracking usage for a dozen or more assets can be quite a headache.

Equipment management software automates the way you track equipment usage, making it easy to determine when maintenance tasks are due. Managers can create service schedules for individual pieces of equipment or manage schedules in bulk for similar types of equipment.

Once schedules are set, service reminders can be triggered by usage. Managers receive reminders based on due soon thresholds. With advanced notification, managers have ample time to schedule service when equipment isn’t being used to avoid downtime during work hours.

For heavy construction equipment with odometers, fleet managers can pair their GPS and telematics system with equipment management software to automate service reminders. Odometers are updated automatically each day to trigger maintenance reminders.

Create Work Orders Based on Equipment Inspection Results

Equipment issues are often uncovered during routine inspections. While identifying a new potential issue isn't preventive by nature, having the measures in place and following a set program will ensure a proactive process to prevent further escalation.

Conducting equipment inspections in a mobile app allows you to receive real-time inspection results. Completed inspections are uploaded into equipment management software, and managers are instantly informed of any inspection failures.

An effective equipment preventive maintenance program streamlines maintenance workflows and allows you to follow issues from identification to resolution. Managers can create work orders based on inspection item failures. Using software, you can assign work orders and track progress to ensure maintenance is completed promptly to increase uptime.

Collaborate With Your Team to Expedite Maintenance

Maintaining productivity is critical to your success. An equipment preventive maintenance program that enables team collaboration maximizes maintenance efficiency to keep your team productive on the jobsite.

Playing phone tag with technicians to understand maintenance needs and monitor service progress slows down operations and takes you away from other important tasks. Streamlining communication with a collaborative equipment management solution ensures you and your team stay on the same page regarding equipment maintenance.

Using a software and mobile app to connect with your team bridges the gap between field and office. Managers can assign mobile work orders, comment on line items and track maintenance progress and expenses.

Technicians can easily view work orders on a mobile app and collaborate with managers on repairs. Communicating in real time keeps your entire team in sync and allows you to ensure tasks are being completed correctly and on time.

An organized equipment preventive maintenance program allows managers to track every aspect of equipment maintenance remotely. Managers can get a high-level view of open and completed work orders, user comments, part usage and repair expenses in their configurable dashboard. Having all equipment data in one place allows managers to easily dive into granular details and quickly access the data they need.


Analyze Service History to Predict Future Maintenance Needs

While automating service reminders and streamlining maintenance workflows is immensely valuable, analyzing past service is equally important in your quest to maximize equipment lifespan.

Managing your assets in an equipment preventive maintenance program provides a complete view of equipment details and past maintenance needs. With a comprehensive view of equipment service history, managers can monitor equipment health, take steps to increase asset lifespan and spot overarching trends across equipment.

Automatically recording service history ensures you have all the information you need when performing preventive maintenance tasks. By analyzing detailed service history, you can make data-driven maintenance decisions that positively impact equipment lifespan.

Maximize equipment lifespan by managing preventive maintenance in Fleetio! Start your free trial or request a demo today.

About the Author

Laura Flowers
Content Marketing Specialist

Laura Flowers is the Content Marketing Specialist at Fleetio. When she’s not blogging, you can find her reading on the couch with her cat or in the studio tap dancing.

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