Tool Tracking App: What to Look For

Power toool tracking apps streamline the way fleet managers monitor and assign power tools. Having real-time insight into power tool location and assignment history increases team accountability and productivity.


What Features Do the Best Power tool Tracking Apps Have?

Leveraging a power tool tracking app combats many issues fleet managers face each day. When you have dozens, even hundreds, of power tools and equipment to keep up with, you need comprehensive asset visibility. But how can you achieve that with manual processes?

Many fleet managers still use spreadsheets and whiteboards to handle power tool assignments. These static power tools don’t offer a real-time view of where your power tools are and who is using them. This makes it nearly impossible to hold your team accountable when power tools are lost or damaged.

Power tool tracking apps make it easy to keep up with all of your power tools and equipment in real time. By allowing users to check out power tools in a mobile app, managers can improve communication, increase accountability and monitor power tools from anywhere.

When choosing the best power tool tracking app for your fleet, be sure to find a solution with features that enable collaboration and maximize visibility.

1. A Convenient Power Tool Checkout Process

Keeping track of which power tools are currently in use can be frustrating if you’re using a paper-based checkout process. Not only is it unorganized, but operators may forget to sign out power tools when they’re in a rush to get to the jobsite.

Power tool tracking apps make it easy for your team to quickly check-in and check-out equipment. Operators can quickly assign power tools to themselves in a mobile app based on availability. A fast, simple checkout system allows your team to stay productive while also keeping you informed of equipment usage in real time.

Managers can also create schedules for power tool and equipment assignments in centralized software. Creating and editing schedules for power tool assignments allows your team to easily see which power tools they’re assigned to, while also providing clarity into equipment status, power tool location and an audit trail of past and current operators.

2. A Synced Web App

Power tool tracking apps allow your team to access information in the field, but it’s equally important for managers to also have a secure, cloud-based software to monitor power tool inventory and manage operations.

As a fleet manager, you know how often things change, so having a way to view updates from your team is invaluable. The best power tool tracking apps sync to web-based software in real time to show you where power tools are, who is assigned to them and how often they’re being used.

Being able to monitor all of your assets and power tools remotely not only provides peace of mind, but it ensures you can efficiently manage your fleet. With software that automatically syncs to a mobile power tool tracking app, you can provide your team with instant updates regarding daily tasks and monitor productivity.

Using a synced software provides fleet managers with all asset and power tool information at a glance. Managers can get a bird’s eye view of operations in their configurable dashboard, or dive deep into details regarding power tool details, assignments and issues.

3. Unlimited Users

You know the saying, “There is no I in team,” right? No matter what industry you’re in, team communication is the key to success.

Power tool tracking apps keep everyone on your team informed of assignments, usage and other details. Providing your entire team with access to a mobile app ensures everyone is on the same page.

Some power tool tracking apps use a per-user pricing model. This can be cost-prohibitive for some fleets and limit who has access to the app. Choosing a power tool tracking app with unlimited users ensures everyone on your team can stay informed, provide valuable insight and stay productive.


4. Job-Specific Roles and Permission Levels

While providing everyone on your team with access to your power tool tracking app improves communication, it’s important to choose an app that allows you to control access to features. The ability to control what users see in their mobile app ensures your team only accesses what’s relevant to their roles.

Robust power tool tracking apps allow managers to create job-specific permission levels for each user. Configuring what users can access in the app allows you to streamline their view while also hiding sensitive data.

Because the best power tool tracking apps have unlimited users, you aren’t penalized when certain team members only need access to one app feature, like viewing power tool assignments. You can keep your entire team in the loop while ensuring they only access relevant information.

5. Configurable Reports

Managing operations in a power tool tracking app provides a complete record of all equipment data. Because all information uploaded in the app is recorded in centralized software, fleet managers have a comprehensive view of assignment history, power tool inventory and other important data points.

Managers can view and create configurable reports in equipment management software based on information in their power tool tracking app. Managing your power tool inventory with software enables you to monitor and optimize inventory, view reports on usage and monitor location.

Configurable reports provide key insight into fleet efficiency and team productivity. A powerful power tool tracking app provides comprehensive visibility into equipment usage and team productivity. Based on real-time and historical data, you can make data-driven decisions to improve daily operations.

Fleetio helps you maintain complete visibility of your power tools and equipment! Start your free trial or request a demo today.

About the Author

Laura Flowers
Content Marketing Specialist

Laura Flowers is the Content Marketing Specialist at Fleetio. When she’s not blogging, you can find her reading on the couch with her cat or in the studio tap dancing.

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