Vehicle Lifecycle Management

Always know when it’s time for fleet vehicle replacement and use historical data to inform asset purchasing strategies.

Lifecycle age

Make data-driven decisions about asset acquisition and replacement

Vehicle lifecycle management is one of the most challenging aspects of managing a fleet. Fleetio takes the guesswork out of your replacement strategy and helps get a better return on investment from your assets.

Preview the Replacement Calculator

Stop running vehicles into the ground

Project the optimal replacement range for each vehicle based on utilization, operating costs, depreciation, salvage value and more. Estimate when vehicles should be defleeted helping to build an informed replacement policy and to keep total ownership costs at a minimum.

  • Create replacement policies

    Use our Fleet Vehicle Replacement Formula tool to estimate when a vehicle should be replaced. See how changes in estimated service costs, remarketing and utilization change the suggested replacement timeline.

  • Apply assumptions and monitor performance

    Associate your replacement policy with each vehicle and see how it’s is progressing towards useful life expectancy based on utilization and your projected replacement timeline.

  • Balance vehicle utilization

    Make adjustments to vehicle utilization based on past performance, helping to ensure more equitable wear across vehicles.

Take back control of replacement budgeting

Get a bird's-eye-view of upcoming replacement demand to better forecast replacement budgets and optimize vehicle utilization based on available capital.

  • See upcoming replacement demand

    See which vehicles are due for replacement year by year and get a better handle on replacement activities.

  • Smooth annual purchasing

    Reallocate activities based on over or under utilization to help ensure even use and budget needs.

  • Prepare for increases in capital expenditure

    As your business grows, see how vehicle replacement demand increases year over year and prepare for increases in spend well in advance.

Explore Other Features

Asset Assignments

See all of your asset assignments in a calendar view and manage them with ease.

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Maintain airtight compliance with electronic vehicle inspections.

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Fuel Management

Unlock fuel trend insight, spot deficiencies and optimize vehicle allocation.

Learn more

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Join thousands of fleets running on Fleetio

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